Caring for life...caring for a lifetime.
If a radiograph is an x-ray picture, fluoroscopy is the video equivalent. Fluoroscopy permits visualizing a moving x-ray image in real time. It is used to observe the body as it functions - eating, swallowing, breathing, digesting, or urinating. Fluoroscopy can also be used to visualize how a dye injection fills the blood vessels of the heart, liver, or other organs or how it outlines the spinal cord when injected during a myelogram.

Four Seasons Animal Hospital uses a modern, compact OEC 7600 C-arm for fluoroscopy. This equipment is used extensively in human healthcare in emergency rooms, ICUs, surgical centers, and gastrointestinal labs. In our animal patients, we use C-arm fluoroscopy to:
Guide catheter placement
Assess swallowing
Visualize gastric emptying
Monitor peristalsis
Monitor and assess bladder emptying
Guide needle insertion
Implant pacemakers
Identify and align fractures
Locate foreign bodies
Assess subluxations