www.cat-dog-diabetes.com: Offers advice about insulin treatments and suitable diets for managing canine and feline diabetes.
www.felinediabetes.com: For feline diabetic owners, especially those who want to try home monitoring.
www.fritzthebrave.com: An excellent, comprehensive site covering all aspects of asthma in cats.
www.aerokat.com: Sponsored by the makers of AeroKat inhalers. They have a how-to video for administering inhaled medications to your cat (yes, it can be done!).
https://fourseasonsah.com/resources/end-of-life/: Assessing quality of life and making decisions for your aging or terminally ill pet.
https://atwork.avma.org/2010/11/15/pet-pharmacy-faqs/: AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association): "Pet Pharmacy FAQs."
https://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/ResourcesforYou/AnimalHealthLiteracy/ucm203000.htm: US Food and Drug Administration, "Online Pet pharmacies: Protect Yourself and your Pet"
www.wormsandgermsblog.com: Access this website at the University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College, to learn about diseases that you might catch from your pets.