Acupuncture and Chiropractic have been used successfully in veterinary patients for many years, either as sole modalities or in conjunction with standard western medical practices. At Four Seasons Animal Hospital, we believe in integrated and customized care for each patient and family, so we strive to offer multiple options for therapy. Our goal is to bring sensitivity, awareness, and intelligence to every case that may benefit from eastern and/or western medical techniques.
Acupuncture accesses and balances the body’s Chi (energy flowing through the body along meridians or channels). Its goal is to stimulate the immune system, reduce pain and inflammation, and restore the smooth flow of energy through the body. Stimulation of acupuncture points causes the release of various chemicals such as cortisol, endorphins, and hormone-like substances from the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels. Acupuncture can reduce swelling, shorten healing time after trauma or surgery, improve appetite, decrease anxiety, and help control vomiting and diarrhea. Acupoints are stimulated with hair-thin needles either by hand or with low-voltage electric current.
Chiropractic is the process of correcting imbalance and lack of adequate mobility between two bones. The procedures are designed to increase flexibility, improve blood flow and nerve impulses, release endorphins, and relieve pain.
Both acupuncture and chiropractic involve a change in energy and may alter the way in which muscles are accustomed to moving. There is occasionally a 24-48 hour period of discomfort or lethargy as the body and muscles get used to the change in energy and movement patterns. Most animals show a response to treatment within 4-5 visits spaced 1-2 weeks apart.
For more information about veterinary acupuncture and chiropractic, ask your veterinarian or visit these sites:
PBS Spotlight on Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
Chi Institute for Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
American Veterinary Chiropractic Association |